Saturday, February 14, 2009

Day 2 - Universal Studios

Today was probably the best day, weather-wise. If it didn't reach 80 degrees it was close. We bought 2 day passes to Universal with 5 days free. We ended up returning here 2 more times.
Ever go somewhere and see a group of people and think, "They must be born-again, fundamental Christians." You can normally tell this by the fact that none of the women are wearing pants. Now, you can usually distinguish between the Amish, Mennonite, Mormon(fundamental) and Fundamental Christians. There's just a clothing style difference.
Well, while waiting for the older three (including my husband), to get off of a ride, a lady approached me and asked, "Are you Christians?"
I said, "Of course, what gave me away."
"Well, I kind of assumed by your skirts and culottes." (She was also wearing culottes.)
We got to fellowship for a few minutes. Neither of us was bothered by the fact that other people may consider us strange or weird, but it's always nice to meet people that have similar standards. She even asked me if I had ever heard of HAC. I told he that it was my Alma mater, and she informed me that she had a sister that worked there. Sometimes, it seems like a small world, and we weren't even at Disney. Get it? It's a small....oh, never mind!
Her family was there as part of the Make a Wish Foundation. Their daughter was dying. We didn't discuss any details, but it seemed to me that this was a long drawn out illness, possibly from birth. I pray for that family often, I can't imagine having a child that suffers constantly.

This is my family with THE Spiderman! Don't blame me for the poor quality! I'm in the picture, not taking it.

I was trying to think of something funny to go along with Robert's expression, but I'll just let the picture speak for itself.

Did you hear that noise?

We were able to see a baby dinosaur hatch from her egg. How exciting! They asked to crowd of about 7 kids (4 were mine) what kind of dinosaur this was. Of course, all raised their hands, but he picked on Brianna. Oh, boy. What would she guess.....butterfly? Oh ME of little faith. She answered, "Velociraptor (sp?)" She was......right! Her prize.....she got to name the tiny dinosaur. The perfect name? Well, Rosie, of course. She looks like a Rosie, doesn't she?

Yeah, David, I'm sure you would win this fight.

The kids with my parents.

Our family in the land of Dr. Seuss.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Day One - SeaWorld

Today was a great day! I expected some or all of us to be tired because of the traveling the day before. Not so. Every one was just happy to be in the sun and warm. I think the high this day was in the high 70's. I remember feeling "giddy" most of the day. I couldn't figure out why I was so happy. I wish I could tell you it was because of some highly uplifting, Spiritual revelation received from God, but I have to tell you the truth. I was so happy because I was healthy. I know I've said this before, but this was the first trip to Florida that I was healthy the ENTIRE time. It's amazing how much of a difference it makes. Don't get me wrong, the other trips were thoroughly enjoyable. I don't really remember the illnesses, I remember the time spent with family and the fun we had together. It was so much more enjoyable to not be sick. I'm sure everyone understands what I mean.
The following post is assorted pictures from our day at SeaWorld. I didn't take the time to edit or fix any of the pics, not that they would look much better.....
Today, we watched the Shamu show, the dolphin show, and sea lion show. We, also, fed the dolphins, all of which is pictured below.

Do you know how many pictures I took BEFORE I got one with the dolphins in the air? Most of my pictures are of the dolphins' tales protruding out of the water.

(Are you hearing the "JAWS" theme in your head?)

I love's a sea dragon.

Didn't know we had a cowboy in the family, did ya?
